Kai Peter Hitzer

Kalari.org Founder and Director


Senior Instructor KKA

Kai je odkril Kalari v začetku leta 2004 pri iskanju učinkovite vadbe, ki bi mu pomagala pri okrevanju zaradi sindroma zdrsnjenega diska. Navdahnila ga je zdravilna moč, ki jo je čutil v svojem telesu in odpravil se je na svojo prvo pot v Indijo. Tam je začel svojo pot učenja pri Kalari Gurukkal CM Sherifu Kannurju. Kai je umetnost podajal naprej vse od leta 2005, njegove lekcije pa so izoblikovane s strani dolgoletnih izkušenj z mnogimi gibalnimi umetnostmi in filozofijami, na katerih temeljijo.


Poleg mesta višjega inštruktorja Kerala Kalarippayat Akademije (KKA) je Kai tudi učitelj Hatha joge in AkroJoge ter AYFit inštruktor.




Izumirajoča umetnost, ki jo ohranja le še nekaj preostalih mojstrov, se sedaj ponovno obuja. Kalarippayat je bil včasih način življenja v Kerali, kjer so vsakega 6-8 let starega otroka – neglede na spol, kasto ali veroizpoved – na začetku letne deževne sezone vpeljali v to prakso. Kalari, pogosto imenovana "tantrična joga borilnih veščin" ni le borilna veščina in zdravilna umetnost, ampak je tudi ena najstarejših še živečih oblik opisanega človeškega gibanja. Njena ostra in odločna telesna zaporedja so globoko zakoreninjena v našo evolucijsko zavest. Njihov končni cilj je uravnoteženje naših moških in ženskih aspektov na psihofizični ravni.

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Sobota    14:00 - 18:00

Dvorana 4

Nedelja    14:00 - 18:00

Dvorana 4

"Embodying the Animal Spirit“

An Introduction to Kalarippayat

“When the Body becomes all Eyes“

Male and Female Sequencing in Kalarippayat

Yoga and Martial Arts? How does this come together?

Kai Hitzer, founder and director of Kalari.org, will personally guide you through a three-hour journey through the mists of time and back to one of the original roots arts of holistic human movement. Even though Kalari was originally created as Martial Art and Healing Art, its value for the people of today has long transcended these purposes.


Today, Kalari’s unique psychophysical approach makes it an invaluable tool for self-empowerment, growth and long-lasting health. It can teach us how to live our life with proper posture and open eyes. We will start with the very foundations of the practice, building our psychophysical body from the ground up. We will practice the warm-ups, leg exercises and finally Animal Postures. Here we will invest time, exploring the nature and effect of these postures and discovering how they differ from asana. With a good understanding of postures, we will then open the space with the Vandanam, the Salutation Form of the Kalari tradition, exploring the ancient flow of this timeless sequence.


This workshop is perfect for any Yogi, mover, martial artist, dancer or any other practitioner looking to reconnect with one of the original root arts of holistic human movement. The workshop will be assisted by Kai’s Partner Deva, who uses Kalari in her work as a tool of empowerment for women.


Our second three-hour Kalari offering at this year’s LYC takes you deep into the heart of the practice: Male and Female Sequencing or in other words Body forms. In order to ensure proper foundation, we will first revisit the foundations we established during the introduction and pay even more attention to alignment, especially when putting posture to movement. Without moments of time to settle into the posture, we need to pay even more attention, centre and move from the core. But it is that very same challenging process that rewards us by guiding us straight into the moment.


We will take our first steps in the Male Form, experience one of the most vicious forms of Kundalini Yoga, described in the Kalari tradition as “Transformative Fury “. Afterwards we will experience the first flow of the Female Form, putting the energy created in Male Form to action, unleashing movement and creativity and hoping to get a taste of what the scriptures describe as the state  „When the Body becomes all Eyes.“


This workshop is perfect for any Yogi, mover, martial artist, dancer or any other practitioner looking for an intense encounter with one of the original root arts of holistic human movement. The workshop will also be assisted by Kai’s Partner Deva, who uses Kalari in her work as a tool of empowerment for women.


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© 2018 Ljubljana Yoga Conference